Tod und Spiele!
Interview mit Aktivisten aus Brasilien
Categories: General, Nachrichten


Zur ak­tu­el­len Si­tua­ti­on in Bra­si­li­en haben wir ein In­ter­view mit einem Be­kann­ten un­se­rer Grup­pe ge­führt der dort lebt. Um ihn nicht zu ge­fähr­den nennen wir auf sei­nen ei­ge­nen Wunsch hin nicht sei­nen Namen, auch nicht den sei­ner Hei­mat­stadt und auch nicht den Namen der Grup­pie­rung in der er aktiv ist.

Hallo! Schön das du die Zeit fin­dest! Wie ist die Si­tua­ti­on all­ge­mein zur zeit bei euch in Bra­si­li­en?

Hallo! Here in Bra­zil, there are al­ways fights for hou­sing, bet­ter wor­king and life con­di­ti­ons. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly at the mo­ment, there are strikes of many wor­kers ca­te­go­ries in pu­blic ser­vices (edu­ca­ti­on, health­ca­re sys­tem, trans­por­ta­ti­on sys­tem). One of the most no­ta­ble pro­tests now is the metro sys­tem wor­kers strike in São Paulo (the big­gest Bra­zi­li­an city).

Ist in dei­ner Hei­mat­stadt etwas von der all­ge­mei­nen Un­ru­he spür­bar?

In all the ci­ties where there will be the World Cup mat­ches, there will be also de­mons­tra­ti­ons against it. Here in the city where I am, a big de­mons­tra­ti­on against ho­mo­pho­bia is being pl­an­ned, as four coun­tri­es that will play here cri­mi­na­li­ze ho­mo­se­xu­al acts. Apart from the World Cup, we are now fa­cing the pos­si­bi­li­ty of pri­va­ti­zing a big pu­blic hos­pi­tal in the city and we are pro­tes­ting against this.

Warum gegen die WM?

In my opi­ni­on, the pro­blem is that, due to pri­va­te in­te­rests (of FIFA, spon­sors and their part­ners), there are many rights vio­la­ti­ons hap­pe­ning in Bra­zil. Many ex­cep­ti­ons are being done to the le­gis­la­ti­on (about the use of pu­blic re­sour­ces, work rights, right to come and go and other human rights). Thousands of peop­le have been re­mo­ved from their pla­ces to give room for huge com­mer­ci­al ven­tures, par­king lots and sta­di­ums. Ten peop­le died wor­king on the buil­dings for the World Cup. And the event is also being used as pre­text for even more re­pres­si­on to so­ci­al mo­ve­ments. This web­site has more de­tai­led in­for­ma­ti­on about this: http://​www.​menschenrechtewm2014.​org

Wel­che Vor­tei­le soll­te die WM der Bra­si­lia­ni­schen Be­völ­ke­rung brin­gen?

Well, its true that it is one of few mo­ments of lei­su­re and en­ter­tai­ment for many peop­le, main­ly for the poo­rest ones, which can watch the games by TV or in pu­blic pla­ces. The days in which there will be Bra­zil mat­ches are going to be con­s­i­de­red ho­li­days in many ci­ties. Howe­ver, this is also used as panem et cir­cen­ses to make the po­pu­la­ti­on feel happy and for­get about the fights. Some of the in­fra­struc­tu­re im­pro­ve­ments, such as high­ways and trans­por­ta­ti­on sys­tem, will re­main as be­ne­fits, howe­ver much less than ex­pec­ted (main­ly in re­stric­ted pla­ces bet­ween air­ports and sta­di­ums), and no­bo­dy knows how will be the main­ten­an­ce.

In wie weit ist Re­pres­si­on für euch spür­bar?

It is vi­si­ble in the streets of the city that the amount of tro­ops of po­li­ce is much grea­ter than the usual. In all the coun­try, many sol­diers have been trained spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for this, and even the army will be ma­king the se­cu­ri­ty of the events. It’s also clear that they will make all they can to prevent pro­tests and de­mons­tra­ti­ons. In the last ac­tions, many peop­le have been ar­rested and the po­li­ce re­pres­sed the mo­ve­ments with vio­lence. Mem­bers of lef­tist or­ga­niza­t­i­ons were per­se­cu­ted and their head­quar­ters have been in­va­ded.

Wie wird Op­fern von Re­pres­si­on ge­hol­fen?

There are groups of ac­tivist la­wy­ers that help with legal mat­ters and also peop­le that are al­ways re­cor­ding all the ac­tions (and strea­ming in real time) to avoid false ac­cu­sa­ti­ons. We are usual­ly pre­pa­red for some pro­blems that can hap­pen, such as tear gas. When it’s ne­cessa­ry, peop­le also raise money for bail. From outside, I think it is pos­si­ble to help by pu­bli­ci­zing this re­pres­si­on and ma­ni­fe­sta­ting sup­port.

Eure Pa­ro­le war: „Es wird keine WM geben!“.

Der Start der WM ist ab­zu­se­hen , wie kön­nen wir uns euer wei­te­res Vor­ge­hen vor­stel­len? Was habt ihr in den nächs­ten Wo­chen ge­plant?

This slo­gan is more like sym­bo­lic. Of cour­se it would be per­fect if we could have preven­ted the hap­pe­ning of the World Cup, howe­ver the mo­ve­ment has not such a power and has even been wea­ke­ned be­cau­se of the pa­trio­tism and pas­si­on for soc­cer that the media en­cou­ra­ges all the time. Alt­hough, I think that the vi­si­bi­li­ty of this mo­ve­ment has re­ached a good  level. The go­vern­ment and the media have got af­raid, at least a litt­le, that the World Cup could not hap­pen. And the po­pu­la­ti­on, in ge­ne­ral, has got more con­scious about the men­tio­ned pro­blems of the World Cup. As I said be­fo­re, there will be pro­tests in many ci­ties, du­ring the days of mat­ches. I don‘t know how much will your hear about them, how much will be re­pres­sed. I also think that some peop­le are af­raid of joi­ning the pro­tests due to the re­pres­si­on that is being pro­mi­sed. At the mo­ment, it’s not pos­si­ble to pre­dict. We will see how ever­y­thing will hap­pen.

Danke für das Ge­spräch , wir wün­schen euch viel Kraft und Mut für die nächs­ten Wo­chen!

Thank you very much!

Die Gruppe, in der unser befreundeter Genosse aktiv ist, hat zu den Protesten in Brasilien noch folgendes Video zusammen geschnitten.


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